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Dagster: Workflows for Data Science, Machine Learning, and Data Engineering

Nick Schrock Nick Schrock | Founder & CTO | Dagster Labs

Dagster is an open-source, Python library for building data applications: ML, Analytics, ETL, and more. We will describe how Dagster can enable a unified stack of tooling across a wide dynamic range of use cases: from a laptop to a Kubernetes cluster; from local development, to monitoring in production; from data science, to data engineering, to machine learning.

Nick Schrock
Nick Schrock
Founder & CTO | Dagster Labs

Nick Schrock is the founder and CEO of Elementl, the company behind Dagster. Previously, Nick worked at Facebook, where he co-created GraphQL. Nick believes deeply in the power of well-designed developer tools to make engineers more productive, accelerate their careers, make their lives more enjoyable, and transform the organizations in which they work.