Xaquín  G.V.

Independent Consultant | 

Xaquín G.V. is a Galician visual journalist, instructor, and consultant — and Roi's dad. He is an expert in data visualization, visual explanations, and interactive storytelling. He has served as Graphics Editor at The New York Times, as Senior Editor for Interactives at National Geographic, and between 2014 and 2017, he led the Visuals team at The Guardian: a 40-person cross-disciplinary experiment of graphics, interactive, multimedia, and picture editors. Most recently, he has collaborated with Google, the Washington Post, ProPublica, the Office for National Statistics in the United Kingdom, and the United Nations.

He has been honored more than 50 times at the Malofiej Awards — the most prestigious awards for information graphics, as well as at the Society for News Design Awards, the Online News Association, the National Press Photographers Association, the Information is Beautiful Awards, and the Webbys. His most recent obsessions are emotional connections in data visualization, automation of data-driven visual narratives, and new formats on mobile devices. In 2018, he was part of the first class of National Geographic Media Innovation Fellows and is currently working on his Ph.D. in Technology at the Universitat de Girona.

Xaquín  G.V.